Donation made to South Bend Fire Department

“#FRONTLINEPROUD Foundation established a relationship with the South Bend Fire Department in South Bend, IN in late May 2020.  The South Bend Fire Department has 11 stations and 257 firefighters and serves a community of over 100,000 people.  #FRONTLINEPROUD co-founders were able to meet a few of the Assistant Fire Chiefs, firefighters, and EMTs at the Central Station and were able to donate some disposable and reusable masks and discuss additional support opportunities, especially during our current health crisis.  The South Bend Firefighters had already established their own association that coincides with their Survive Alive Campaign in Michiana and their philosophy is "Prevention Through Education."  The mission of #FRONTLINEPROUD is to generate funds to give back the those working on the frontlines by providing a donation to be used for meals, PPE, and/or training. On July 10th, #FRONTLINEPROUD was able to deliver funds to their association to help in their efforts of education and training.”